Thursday, November 26, 2009


i try to be thankful for the things i have everyday, although the stresses of life sometimes let me forget. i'm glad to have thanksgiving, so i can remember the things that keep me sane and happy.

so i'm thankful for:
  • my family, old and new. my "old" family - mom, dad, brother, cito, grandparents, payten, aunts, uncles, and cousins. my "new" family - my awesome in-laws who have always treated me as one of their own. and my "brand new" family - the one that jesse and i have already started (and hope to expand in the very near future)
  • my home. i love to fill our home with memories of our wedding and honeymoon, of trips to the pumpkin patch, and of all our married "firsts"
  • my job. even though my job makes me crazy sometimes, i'm grateful to have a job in the tough economy right now, with a wonderful boss who is supportive and encouraging.
  • freedom. everyday when i see our flag, i feel fortunate to live in a place where i can work, shop, vote, and everything else that our soldiers and veterans fought to give me.
  • coffee. i cant live without it. and really, who would want to?
  • pop culture. harry potter, bones, the princess bride. all of these things let me escape to a world extremely not my own when i'm having a bad day, and encompass me in a happy bubble of fiction :)

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